What To Expect

At Lakeside Dental Surgery Center, we understand that undergoing dental surgery can be a nerve-wracking experience for both children and their parents, and our goal is to ensure a smooth treatment and recovery process. To help put your mind at ease, we have compiled essential information that will guide you through each step of the journey. From pre-operative preparation to post-operative care, we’re here to support you and your child, instilling confidence and peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Patient Navigation

When a patient is scheduled or referred to Lakeside Dental Surgery Center, they are immediately introduced to their patient navigator. This team member can address any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the surgical process, from scheduling to insurance coordination and the pre-op and post-op processes. They work closely with your Jacksonville, FL surgical team to ensure that all aspects of your care are coordinated and delivered with the highest level of quality and compassion. Our patient navigators are committed to providing personalized support and guidance to help you feel confident and prepared for your surgery.

Pre-Operative Information

The pre-operative process is designed to ensure a safe and successful outcome for the patient’s procedure. At Lakeside Dental Surgery Center, we take this process seriously and aim to provide our patients with the highest level of care possible. Here are some aspects of the pre-op process that patients can expect:

  • Pre-op clearance: Prior to surgery, most patients will be required to receive a pre-op clearance from their primary care physician or pediatrician. In some cases, the Lakeside Dental Surgery Center team will conduct a comprehensive medical evaluation to ensure that the patient is healthy enough to undergo the procedure.
  • Medical history review: The surgery center care team will also review the patient’s medical history and medications to identify any potential risks or complications.
  • Pre-op instructions: Our team will provide the patient with detailed instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including information on what to wear, when to stop eating and drinking, and what to expect during the procedure. Additionally, the patient’s dentist may provide specific pre-operative instructions to ensure the best possible outcome for the procedure and to minimize the risk of complications.

Some common pre-operative instructions that our patients might receive:

  • NPO (Nothing By Mouth) instructions: The patient will be asked to avoid eating or drinking for a certain amount of time before their procedure. This is to prevent the risk of aspiration during the procedure, as explained in the previous question. The time period for NPO instructions will vary, depending on the type of procedure and the patient’s age, and will be included in each patient’s pre-op information.
  • Medication instructions: The Lakeside Dental Surgery Center team will provide specific instructions regarding any medications the patient may be taking, including when and if they should be taken before the procedure.
  • Clothing instructions: The patient should wear comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off. They should avoid clothes with tight-fitting collars or sleeves, as these may interfere with monitoring devices during the procedure.

It is important to carefully follow all pre-operative instructions to ensure the best possible outcome for the dental procedure. If patients have any questions or concerns about the instructions, they should be sure to discuss them with their dental surgeon. 

Day Of Surgery

On the day of surgery at Lakeside Dental Surgery Center, patients can expect to receive the highest level of care from our experienced and dedicated team. During the procedure, our highly trained care team will ensure that the procedure is performed safely and effectively. Patients will be closely monitored by our dedicated anesthesia and nursing team, including the monitoring of vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, to ensure their comfort and stability throughout the surgery and into the post-operative room after the procedure is completed.

Our team understands the importance of keeping patients’ families informed and will ensure open communication before and after the procedure and even during the procedure, if necessary. We will always be available to answer any questions or concerns that families may have and will work to provide a calm and supportive environment for everyone involved.

After the procedure is complete, patients will be moved to a recovery area where they will be closely monitored by our team until they are ready for a family member or caregiver to join them and prepare to be discharged. Our team will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure the best possible recovery for the patient. We strive to make the day of surgery as comfortable and stress-free as possible for both the patient and their family, while also providing the highest level of care and safety.

Post-Operative Information

After the dental procedure is complete, the post-operative process is just as important to ensure a successful outcome. At Lakeside Dental Surgery Center, our team is committed to providing patients with the highest level of care during this critical phase of recovery.

Our team will provide patients and their families with detailed instructions on how to manage any pain or discomfort they may experience after the surgery. This may include medication recommendations, ice or heat therapy, and other pain management strategies. Patients will also be advised on when they can resume normal activities, such as eating, drinking, and exercising, and what activities they should avoid during their recovery.

Throughout the recovery process, our team will be available to answer any questions or concerns the patient may have. We will work closely with the patient to ensure that their recovery is smooth and successful and that they receive the highest level of care throughout the entire process.

Most patients will need to schedule a follow-up appointment with their dentist to monitor their progress and ensure that their recovery is on track. Our patient navigators will work with the patient to schedule these appointments and provide any necessary support and guidance.

Overall, our goal is to provide our patients with a comfortable and stress-free recovery process while also ensuring that their dental procedure is successful and that their oral health is optimized.

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A referral is required from your dentist or physician.